Participate in the Restoration of the Hopi Nation
Supported by the Emanate Love Foundation
Who are the Hopi?
The Hopi are peaceful people who live in the northeastern part of Arizona where they dry farm and keep animals. They have lived in the desert for at least one thousand years. The Hopi maintain ancient spiritual practices and traditions that reach back thousands of years. They are known for their beautiful ceremonial practices and exceptional handmade Kachina dolls.
Threats to Their Survival and Facing the Challenges
The Emanate Love Foundation is working to provide quality, long-term solutions for a number of pressing issues affecting the Hopi Nation. With the recent closing of their coal mine (August 2019), which provided nearly 85% of their income, they are facing even more extreme poverty than in past years. We look forward to the difference we can make together. We welcome you to be part of that change today.

Current Challenge: contaminated water sources with high levels of arsenic due to fracking and a nearby coal mine.
Our goal is to bring clean potable drinking water to the Hopi people by harnessing water above ground and filtering it for their needs.
See how you can help by reading more or contacting one of our representatives.

Current Challenge: chronic malnutrition, and chronic health problems due to toxins in drinking water and lack of nutrient rich foods.
Our goal is to aid with detoxification through Dr Morse's detox program, while developing permaculture gardens that work with nature to provide the most nutrient rich soils and foods.

Current Challenge: Raising crops and keeping animals is very difficult in the desert of Northeastern Arizona where there is so little water.
Our goal is to create small High Impact Urban gardening around homes, a permaculture food forest, and a thriving ecosystem in the desert based on Jeff Watton’s principles, the grandfather of permaculture gardening.

Culture and Language
Current Challenge: Loss of cultural identity through severe economic and social pressure
Our goal is the preservation of this ancient and beautiful culture, its language and ceremonial practices while inspiring unity among the clans.
Get Involved - There's Something For Everyone
There’s more than one way that you can help. Whether you want to work, volunteer, or donate to the Restoration of the Hopi Nation, there are plenty of ways to join us in making a real difference. Check out the opportunities to get involved below and contact us if you have any questions. We appreciate your interest.

Gifts, Talents, Abilities, Expertise
Use your personal talents to help our staff and community. We’re always on the lookout for talented, inspired people with love in their hearts who are passionate about dedicating their time and support to a higher cause. If you want to personally make a difference in the lives of the Native American Hopi, there’s no better way than getting involved with the Emanate Love Foundation for this cause.
Every Little Bit Counts
The Hopi live very simple and deliberate. So in order to honor their culture, we have chosen to not offer them what they do not ask for, so as to avoid imposing our culture onto them. Some of the things that they have expressed need of are:
basic food staples such as rice, flour, salt, fresh fruits and vegetables
leather, leather strips, and feathers for crafting and for use in their ceremonial clothing
blankets and wood for keeping warm in the winter months.
Do Good Together
The human nature of giving is one of the most powerful forces. The Restoration of the Hopi Nation will take the efforts of our staff and volunteers to positively impact the lives of those most in need of assistance. We’d love for you to join us in helping to improve the situations of the Hopi people.

Wisdom comes when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you.
Hopi Wisdom
More about the
Emanate Love Foundation
Creating Heaven on Earth
The Emanate Love Foundation is a non profit organization focused on providing basic necessities while teaching self-sustaining practices and empowering self-reliance. More notably, addressing the health of body, mind, and spirit. Healing individuals and communities from the Inside out!